Is your Nanna getting the care she deserves at her retirement village? Do the nurses do the rounds they say they do?
Online Recommended System
Suga Blu Starter Kit
Each hospital bed or nursing client is allocated an ID tag which is fixed near the patient. These tags are physically clocked on a regular basis to verify the patient has been cared for. Alert notifications via email or Telegram will notify you if the tag is not clocked within a certain time frame. Proof of such is also recorded.
Have an ID point at each rental unit that is clocked as evidence that the unit has been checked. You can use multiple ID points for housekeeping and supervisors or even one to show that everything is not ok and needs further attention.

Application Areas
- Large ICU areas needing regular checks
- Old age homes
- Night nurses
- Lifestyle estates – check that communal areas are cleared at night
- Retirement villages – check on people in private rooms or cottages
- Lodges – periodic check on equipment in working order
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